paul and bob

Paul and Bobs Story

Paul and Bob were kids that only play video games and eat. They never really cared about anything or did anything fun.One day something happened.

One day Paul and Bob were playing games on their TV and  then the TV turned to a warning channel and told them that there was a mysterious guy that goes by the name Shadow Man. No one knows what he can do but they know that he can teleport and transform as other people. At first Paul and Bob did not care at all because they thought it was fake and thought it was just a guy trying to scare people.

A couple days later they were told that non-believers will be targets. Paul and Bob still didn’t believe until one day. That one day, they were sleeping and the bedroom door moved. Paul thought he was just seeing things so he went back to sleep. The next day Paul and Bob went for a walk in the morning to get food but the streets weren’t as busy as they usually are. They still went on with their walk and got the food but when they got home they turned the TV on. The TV turned right to the news channel and it said “for some suspicious reason there were no cars on the street today”.

Paul and Bob were kind of tempted, but not really scared so they played their Xbox. Paul decided to go to bed after hours of playing, but Bob wanted to stay up. When Bob was playing he got this feeling in his gut that gave him shivers down his spine, so he put a blanket over his head. He started to get tired so he switched to YouTube but when doing that he saw someone in the reliction of the TV. He knew it wasn’t Paul because this guy was massive and he locked the house so he thought of Shadow Man because he can teleport. He then got really scared and called Paul under the blanket to see if he would pick up. Thankfully Paul picked up an asked what’s wrong, Bob said there’s

someone in our house!!!! Paul then tip toed to the living room and saw the guy but before doing anything he teleported.

Paul then called the 911 and the police showed up and started asking questions but they never found that guy. Paul and Bob were now scared for life and stayed locked up in their house and barely came out.

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