why hockey is better than basketball

Why Hockey is better than Basketball

I think that hockey is better than basketball because you need more talent and it’s more competitive. The best thing is that you can interact with your team a lot more in hockey than basketball.

In hockey you need to know how to do a lot of different shots and know how to make them powerful. You also need to know basic stick handling and passing. Sometimes you need to know how the other team’s goalie and players play because it assist’s with your chance of scoring. In basketball you just need to know how to shoot and some dribbling skills. Also in basketball people just do random and unneeded dribbling that really does nothing when you’re playing a good team. Sometimes in hockey people do crazy stick handling that mostly not needed but it sometimes helps.

Hockey is also more competitive than basketball. In hockey you have provincial’s, playoffs, tournaments, and you get to stay in hotels for the  tournaments. Hockey also gets very serious in some games, which can cause hits and dirty plays. In tournaments, when you beat a team you may get to go in the pool to celebrate. But sometimes other teams can start fights :let’s say if they lost, because it happened once when we were at a hotel in the pool. So sometimes hockey is a bit too competitive.

In hockey you have to get to a game an hour early and 30 minutes before a practice so you get tons of time to talk to your team. You can also talk to your team on the bench because there’s many kids on a hockey team so you can talk to them when it’s not your shift. In basketball, you can’t really talk to your team on the bench because the teams are usually smaller than hockey. The great thing in basketball though, is that you have to pass the ball a lot to score. In hockey you also need to pass a lot because it’s hard to dangle out a good defenseman, but there will always be that one player that hogs the puck and doesn’t pass.

So I think that hockey is better then basketball because you need more talent, it’s more competitivend the best thing is that you can interact with your friends and team a lot. That is why I think hockey is better than basketball.




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